Saturday, September 20, 2014

Desires of our heart

Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart." It was about a week ago that I begin to meditate on this verse. I had seen it many times before & always focused on the"desires of my heart" portion. This time it was different. I thought about "delighting" myself in the Lord & what that might mean for me. I thought about my early morning Bible reading habit & how it had become so difficult for me to concentrate on my reading, & how many mornings I skipped it entirely, preferring to just move on into the busyness & routine of my day. I knew right away that I wasn't delighting in God if I couldn't even give my full attention to a few chapters of His Words each morning. As I committed myself to give more attention to reading my Bible, I also began to pray that God would be my ONLY desire, otherwise to say that all other desires WOULD NOT MATTER to me. (I was NOT thinking about food at all when I prayed this).  Today, at day 5 of partnering with Angie ( I am astounded at how God answered this prayer. Have you ever heard a drug addict or an alcoholic testify that God gave them a miraculous deliverance from their addiction by simply removing all desire for the substance? Well, for 5 days now I feel like God has taken away my desire to overeat (not my desire to eat!) I had ONE cookie the other day when I was giving them to the boys. I served ice cream & didn't lick the spoon. I've been in my freezer countless times & haven't even thought of the chocolate chips, donuts, or cookies inside!!! This is amazing to me not to even be tempted! Another thing I've been praying is to EMBRACE self control & self denial. My occasional hunger pains aren't even "pains", they are a welcome sensation that God is giving me this desire of my heart, to be fully submitted to honoring & glorifying Him in everything, including my eating habits! I will confess that it's crossed my mind, how I will eventually get attention for losing weight & I know it's PRIDE tempting me! I am purposing in my mind to give GOD ALL THE GLORY & every time I get an compliment or inquiry, I want to use that opportunity to praise God for what He has done for me!  Let me or Angie know if you want us to pray for your weight loss journey.   Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

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