Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Proverbs 31 Woman part six

Thank you for reading & commenting Mary! Mary suggested the Proverbs woman might "bring her food from afar" because it might be of better quality than the local food. I am going to add to that thought by pointing out that she could obtain more of a variety & some fresh produce perhaps; that would certainly contribute to a more nutritious & vitamin packed diet for her family, by purchasing food from afar. If I were relying only on the locally food produced here in Wyoming right now, I think anything I might have canned from my pitiful garden would be long gone & we would be having some rabbit, then some antelope, then some more antelope, then some more rabbit, and so forth! Yes, I definitely think bringing food from afar makes a healthier & tastier diet as well as more abundant! We can trade some of our coal or oil for your food. We might starve otherwise!    I also have to admit that I struggled with some guilt this morning when I got up well after the sun came up. Remember, our dear Proverbs woman rises while it is still dark to prepare food. I must say I am THANKFUL I do not have to do that & we still have plenty to eat! Probably the time in my life when I consistently got up at night was to feed a newborn...& then I went back to bed. I don't know if I should consider myself lazy or not? I must add at this point, that I am also very THANKFUL that I don't have to grow the raw materials for making clothing, then process, weave, & sew them. I'm beginning to think this dear Godly Proverbs woman is meant to inspire us & provide an example of a multi- talented woman who is willing to do whatever necessary to care for others. However, as a woman of faith she would have taken regular times for Sabbath rest & for prayer. She would have had seasons of activity & seasons of rest. So moving on, we will continue to study this virtuous Godly woman & pray that God will teach & inspire us!   Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia


  1. My pleasure, Cynthia! Wonderful thoughts here - especially the ones about rest! It's so easy to get caught up in thinking about all she did, and not remember that she took the time to rest and be with God - that was probably her highest priority! Thank you for sharing all of this!

  2. Hi Cynthia! Thank you so much for your kind encouragement on my blog post about the note that changed my life. Oh, and I love Proverbs 31. :)

  3. Yes, so much good encouragement from the Proverbs 31 woman! And thanks for your comment left on "Holding Hearts" (a recent post in a series on mothering). It sounds like you sure know what I am talking about, as we say good-bye to our grown children, and our hearts continue to be with them. Wherever they go - even to Alaska!
